Another work week has started. Yay! Well not really yay but whatever I guess.
This weekend was not that exciting. I caught up on The Real World: Brooklyn. Those people are crazy. I also watched a fantastic movie from the 90s called "
The Paper." It was one of those movies from childhood that I really liked but needed to rewatch. And then I realized, why was I watching these movies at a young age? I also saw Manhattan which was definitely good. I love Woody Allen movies. They are just so good. I loved
Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
Things I need to figure out to be living life well:
1. Taxes. I need some help. H & R Block is too expensive so I am going to have to find a better cheaper solution. Because honestly I do not trust myself to file correctly.
2. A way to make it to Spring Break in one piece. Life in general is stressing me ouuuuuuuttt. I need to find a constructive way of dealing with this. Which rules out stress eating which I have been doing.
3. What I am doing for Spring Break. I think I have just personally ruled out LA. I think I am headed North.
4. A ride to San Jose on the 16th. Coming back to Illinois for a wedding will be so good for my life.
5. The future. I only mildly stress out about it now. I had a week wherein everyday was like, I was on the verge of having a panic attack.