The Grand Duchy

25 March 2010

He Just Grinned and Shook My Hand and 'No' Was All He Said

I started writing posts about the television I have been watching of late. And make no mistake I have been watching a lot of television.
But in the aftermath of passing historic health care reform I have had a considerable amount of feelings and thoughts. I've been reading stories, listening to broadcasts on the radio and I have been really concerned over the past couple of days. I am truly concerned about the well being of the nation as this point. I've read much on race, the Tea Party movement, hate and all others matters of disturbing rhetoric. I am concerned that people have lost sight of what the President and Congress have set out to do. They're giving hope to millions of people that did not have access to health care. I've thought much on what it is that is the driving force behind the movement to repair a broken system of government. There are plenty of things to get mad about. Join the club! You've been angry after the world came crashing down and we went into recession, try being angry for years! My belief is that the world is broken and that our job is to try to put the pieces back together. To repair the world. Violence is not the answer. Hate is not the answer. Spitting on sick people. Yelling at homeless people and asking them if they're happy because they got what they wanted by health care reform passing. Hurling racial slurs and homophobic epithets. Its just downright dispicable. I've seen the words of Founding Fathers sullied by people who don't truly understand what it is to live under a tyrant. Who can in no way comprehend what it is like to be completely ignored and totally unheard by their government. To live in complete and utter fear of oppression. To live with no rights, no hope, and no way out. To truly know this would change many minds and many hearts. To live under tyranny and oppression would give people a completely new outlook. But this is America. And we are free to criticize government, to change and be a part of the process. And there will be times when people are upset by the choices of government and people will not always get their way. And when that happens that is the time for debate and civil discourse. Unfortunately, some people find other paths that seem easier. They turn to threats and violence. This isn't discourse. Its not revolutionairy. And this is for sure NOT patriotism. I hope and pray that no one is hurt and that we come out of this a stronger nation, but really this is shameful. Its sickening. Abraham Lincoln said, "With malice toward none; with charity for all." This is our past, it has to be our present and future. Otherwise, whats it all for?

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