The Grand Duchy

29 September 2009


So I had a dream this morning involving high school. Dreams are always of interest to me and I am not sure how to take the events that transpired during this one. It was after choir had let out one day and we were trying to decide where to eat lunch. Some people had decided on going to In-N-Out. (Herein we come to a part that makes no sense. My high school located in Princeton, IL is no where near an In-N-Out Burger). A lot of people then expressed interest in eating there and I figured then that we would need to take more than one vehicle. My dream self then thought, "I don't have a car though, Oh wait yes I do if this is during high school I do have a car." Soon after this epiphany I woke up. Isn't that strange? Am I the only one that thinks that's so weird? I hope not.

15 September 2009


I guess we should talk about some things since I never write in here anymore.

1. Gossip Girl. God season three is going to be so good. I love that Chuck and Blair are finally together. "I'm not Chuck Bass without you." Of course it could all go south like The OC did in Season Three, but lets not discuss that!
2. Homestead. I went home to Princeton this weekend for Homestead. Homestead weekend is a kind of Homecoming and celebration for Princetonians. It includes the Homestead Parade, Princeton Jaycees Beer Garden, and High School Class Reunions. As it has been five years since I was graduated from Illinois' Oldest Township High School my class reunited and had a float in the parade, which I did not ride to many of my friend's chagrin, as well as dinner and cocktails which I did attend. Initially I did not want to attend either but went to the reunion and did indeed enjoy seeing people. I also got to enjoy spending time with my friends and family. It was a lovely weekend.
3. Lady Gaga. How awesome was she at the VMA's? I do want to go to the Fame Kills concert with her and Kanye but I would really appreciate it if Kanye could not play any songs from 808s and heartbreak. kthanxbye.
4. Summer. Summer is coming to a close. Which I used to love but now as a major proponent of summer I am kind of concerned. I do love Fall with the promise of cool weather, pumpkins, Halloween and all of my favorite things about my favorite season. However, time goes by way to quickly. We are at the halfway point of September here people. Isn't that bananas insane?

04 September 2009

Waiting to Exhale

I've been truly terrible about blogging. But it is because I have no real news to report. Yes, I've moved back to Chicago. Yes, I'm currently looking for a job. Yes, it is good but I still hate the feeling of being unemployed. All of the waiting around. My only contribution to society is my consumerism. I spend plenty of money which i guess is a good thing. I did buy some exciting new books. I had a Bookstore Blackout at Barnes & Noble.

Bookstore blackout
[book-stawr, -stohr blak-out] -noun Origin: 2009, Brian Patrick King. A freak episode at a store where books are sold wherein the shopper loses consciousness while browsing and then regains control after handing over currency in exchange for the books.

These episodes occur frequently in my life. Currently I am trying to figure out some sort of way to control the blackouts. Possibly through psychology, western medicine, or possibly even magic. Hopefully this epidemic will soon be cured. But until then, keep me away from book stores!