The Grand Duchy

07 January 2009

Liar, Liar

First off can I please stop watching the Real Housewives of Orange County? It is such a black hole for me. I tried to see Slumdog Millionaire today but was late for it because Monterey is the craziest place to drive in. I got lost and then could not find parking. It was an ordeal and then I remembered I had said I would hang out with a friend of mine (which did not happen) so I decided to go home.

So the other day my room mate Caitie and I had a discussion about her current situation. She has moved out of our garage into what is considered the breakfast nook of our apt. She and my other room mate Nick, apparently have ended their relationship due to the fact that Caitie found some notes that Nick was writing to his ex-girlfriend about how he was excited for Caitie to leave for NYC and that he wanted his ex to come visit him. So they supposedly ended things and were both going to try to make a go of it with their respective exes (Caitie met up with an ex in NYC and is going to think about moving to NOLA to be with him).

So these are the facts that I have and I realize of course that A) Caitie lies. She is a liar. She has been caught in lies and so everything she says needs to be taken with a grain of salt. So it should come as no surprise that Caitie and Nick continue to spend time alone in his room with the door shut laughing and what not. I am pretty positive that she has also been spending the night in his bed too. I have yet to hear them in more compromising situations, but it seems to me that the situation that Caitie presented, one wherein she was tired of Nick and wished to spend more time outside of the world that they had created one of which they spend their time only with one another. I am exhausted with the BS. Like I just cannot spend any more energy on these two. It is taking a toll on me. I am over it. I just need to be out of this place. Travelocity told me that there are 10 days til my trip to Chicago. I cannot wait.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Now will I get to see you in 10 days?!

January 8, 2009 at 1:04 PM  
Blogger Married In Chicago said...

why would you want to stop watching that wonderful show. Who is your favorite hoe bag?

January 10, 2009 at 1:12 PM  
Blogger The Grand Duchy said...

Stephanie you need to see me when I get back into town.

And AO, I just cannot decide. They are just such train wrecks. Each one is more over the top then the next. I think though I may love to hate on Vicki the most. She is so heinous all of the time. She would completely fall apart without her husband.

January 10, 2009 at 8:40 PM  

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