The Grand Duchy

09 May 2009

These Days

These days more and more I am looking at my experience in California and trying hard to learn from my mistakes. Lately my loneliness has been quite high and I have found myself in the midst of situations wherein I feel as though other people's lack of character are a reflection upon myself. The current situation this weekend was as follows. One person from our group had a birthday and was planning a celebratory dinner. He invited all of the people from AmeriCorps that live in Marina, except for one person. Today the uninvited person asked me to see a movie and I said that I could not because I was having dinner with the group of people. I was told not to invite anyone and that Person B (the uninvited member) was not invited, because he is disliked by Person A (birthday boy). Now apparently Person A lied to Person B's face which upset Person B, because Person A was having other people lie too. The whole situation screams of middle school. I thought that I left my fourth, fifth and sixth grade students at school. Thats not the case.
I am just over it. In other instances in my life I have been able to get rid of people like this and have been able to move forward. Being alone out here, I am not able to do the same thing. I guess I felt like these people's flaws reflected upon me because I am surrounded by them and choose to be around them. I suppose I could cut myself entirely off from them, but then I would be completely alone and that would not be conducive for a healthy life. I am just stuck in this place and am trying hard to gain back all of the pieces of myself that I have lost. I just would like to click my heels and wake up from this nightmare. Maybe I am being dramatic, but I seriously have never encountered this before in my life.


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