The Grand Duchy

17 November 2008

What it's like being male, middle class, and white

So I mean two of those are still true.

I went grocery shopping today and used the rest of this month's food stamps money. And I knew that was coming and won't need to buy anymore food this month which is fine. Except when I am in Santa Rosa for Thanksgiving. So as I was checking out and I had to pay for the part of the bill that my food stamps would not cover. The older woman checking me out asked if I got the cash option on my card and I said that I didn't think so to which she leaned in and said that, "I was the wrong color skin." I was so taken aback. It was just so disturbing.

And its like what do I do? Try to change her mind and set her straight? I just kind of froze and then told her that I was a volunteer and she could not believe that I was not getting more. I just never know what to do when faced with such ignorance. Do I have the strength to say something and try to change the world? I dunno.


Blogger RG said...

There's no changing a mind like that. It's too effed up already. Concentrate on the kids.

I love you, you gorgeous son of a bitch.


November 19, 2008 at 10:00 AM  

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